Satish Balram Agnihotri blog - In a Land of Dirt Roads

(….with apologies to Aesop!)

The cunning fox glanced wistfully at the grape vine. He has been eying this vine for a while. However, the clever farmer had trained the vine at a considerable height. He had fenced it carefully too, so that no one can reach the vine and pull it down easily.

Yet, the vine seemed to have sagged a bit and why not. All was, not well these days. The grapes were not pulling on well among themselves. Some were taking a heavier than thou posture. The farmer was also not watching it carefully. The vine would but sag.

It seems within our reach, opined the fox. He did have considerable expertise in pulling down the duly erected vines. Just recently, he had brought down the vine of another farmer and grabbed all the juicy grapes. As a matter of fact, the fox wanted a total control over all the vines in the jungle.

The vine did indeed appear to be at a lower height than usual. The foxed jumped. But he could not reach the grapes. He tried again with all his might under the appreciative gaze of his fellow foxes. He took a long run up, a deep sigh, contracted his hind legs and jumped.

However, it was not his day. Just in the nick of the time, the clever farmer pulled the vine up, away from the reach of the fox.

Not to be undone, the fox looked at his fellow foxes and declared, “I thought those

Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour. Let us wait for these to ripen”. Saying this he walked away with the air of dignity and unconcern.

Let us see how long does this vine last!

NB:This fable has nothing to do with any unfolding events.

Image Courtesy: Pixabay

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